Friday, July 6, losing weight?

When I was at the clinic yesterday, one of the nurses said to me, Cik Norxxxx, you lost weight la! I smiled and said yes, and you are not the first to tell me that!:P Before that, the secreatary to the big boss also asked me the same question. Her question was, why you lost weight?? :P
Ever since my mom passed away, most of my friends who I have I bumped into at the office building and canteen tend to say the same thing. I dunno, I did not realize the difference until it was pointed out to me a couple of times. Now to think of it, almost all my pants, baju kurung, sarongs and skirts are “longgar” believe it or not. Phew, all those years of dieting and exercising did not do much but now it happens without me knowing or anticipating. My lil sis told me, when it comes to sadness and matters of the heart/feelings, somehow or rather it would affect one’s physical. Nowadays, I eat for the sake of staying healthy but I do not binge more than the normal eating routine. Well what I can say, what a way to be losing weight eh?
I was at the masjid last night for my arwah mama’s bacaan yasin and tahlil. I always feel at peace and ease when I am at the masjid :)

I sat there and just could not believe that 27 days has gone by without my arwah mama around. I keep telling myself to be strong, she is at a better place InsyaAllah and Allah loves her more.

Al- Fatihah.

So to all, have a good weekend ya!
Drink plenty of water as it gonna be a dry and humid weekend. I will be heading for Taiping for my cousin's engagement...yikess I hope the weather is cooler there!


Dade Ghost said...

Have a pleasant journey and weekend Nour.

Ermm.. what a way to loose weight... but good what u lost weight...

UglyButAdorable said...

safe journey nour..and i dun mind losing weight that way..can we say that as blessing in disguise??

Anonymous said...

*Al-Fatihah to your mom*


Mama Rock said...

nour, time will heal, InsyaAllah.

Zetty said...


gravtkills said...

mmg teramat panas...

Angel Eyes said...

Take care babe

Nour said...

Thanks..I had a good time..:)

U know I siap kena tukar wardrobe sebab baju semua dah besar.

haahaha..yeah we definitely can say that :)


hugs..thank you :)

thank you..Insyaallah I will feel better :)

zetty, the way I read your entry on a friend's wedding in Putrajaya..amboi mengancam mak cik ooi!

panas kan....sigh!

thank you.. How was Singapore??