Wednesday, October 4

Bumping into the ex…

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Apart from the thick and heavy haze, life has been rather crazy for me lately. Ever since Monday, I have been working my ass off, attending project meetings as well as rushing for the never ending datelines. Every single assignment seems to be top priority and it so nerve wrecking to decide which assignment should be completed first. Urrghh, when you talk about work, it never ends eh! I have to learn to live life as it is.

Life’s outcome can be so unpredictable, you can always plan and hope for things to be the way you want it to be but in reality it might turn out the exact opposite. GOD knows what is best for all of us I am sure. We should give it our best and let nature takes its course.

Anyway something unexpected happened to me while I was in KLCC after work. I was at the Isetan cashier waiting in line to pay for the stuff I bought when I saw this couple standing in front of me. It was my ex and his girlfriend. As soon as I spotted him, my knees gave way, it was wobbling and I felt really weird. My first reaction was to just turn around and make myself vanish into thin air or may be end up being invisible for a good half and hour or so. Surprisingly, I managed to calm myself down and kept telling myself…'don't worry and just smile if he notices you’. Lucky me, he and the girlfriend was so into themselves that they did not notice that I was just a few steps away. Fuuhhhh…..they left and I continued paying for my stuff.

Seriously, I would never have expected to bump into him. Usually, I try not stay in touch with my ex-s' no matter what, be it a bad breakup or not. I would delete them out of my memory bank together with whatever details of them…muahahahaha!

I wonder what would one normally do when he/she bumps into an ex eh??

  • Walk away and run as fast as you can (especially if he is big time jerk!).
  • Pretend that you are busy and didn’t notice him at all.
  • Smile and give him the vibes that you are happy to be you (without him!).
  • Smile and try to communicate as though nothing has happened.
  • Be your happy self and make him realize what a big mistake it was to let you go….

Well, being me, I would probably have ignored him and moved on. He might think I am being obnoxious but I just don't care. What matters is how I feel! No point dwelling in the past!:D

Oh..have a good day folks and do take care!

Happy fasting...:)


merapuman said...

kalau jumpa ex, buat bodoh je lah. kalau dia tanya apa-apa, jawab 'yes, it isnt'. tengok le dia faham ke tidak.

i bump into my ex girlfriend almost everyday. but i'm always happy to see her. almaklumlah, dah jadi bini, :)

Mama Rock said...

i'ld make sure he knows i'm better off than with him...always! wicked huh? hahaha

Am just a gal said...

As for me I can always treat my ex as a friend of best friend if he want lah.. and kalau terjumpa tu I pretend busy, but kalau dia tegur I will act normal and be happy

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. depending on my mood at that time, I'd either pretend to be busy, or I'd just be my happy self and tegur as if nothing happened.

Anyway, I was hoping u'd update on your 'unexpected call' entry ;p *wink*

Deepak Gopi said...


trueblue said...

I would pretend that I was busy and buat2 tak nampak.
Malaslah nak buat small talk.

Anonymous said...

you are so right, ok. no point dwelling in the past. orang lelaki ni pulak, kalau u still show u care even as a friend, they play their mind games. so what i do when i bump into my jerk-ass ex, i'd pretend i don't know him. masa tu la dia sebok2 tanya kawan2 i how am i... what i'm doing... bla bla bla. ish. like real onny.

it's meant to be a past. so let it stay that way kan... don't care about what people think.

Azer Mantessa said...

i never had an ex-gf so it's gd to read :-)

Hajar said...

nour, you're absolutely right lah. being friends with ex is a waste of time. and toughcookie is also right. coz they play mind games when we befriend them... ish.. ish.. ish..

Nour said...

I guess you are one of those lucky ones..where you end up getting married to your girlfriend. Wah!! I bet you are always happy to see her every single day!:)

you definitely too I would choose the part where I am better off than him in all ways. :P

when it comes to exs' ni..memang susahkan. Well I guess it depends on the person..whether he or she can handle it. Like they always say forgive and forget. I will forgive tapi I will erase the whole episode from my memory :P

heya....I remember reading on the part where you bumped into that someone kat carefour dulu..that was funny! Anyways...I have not set the date yet tu yg tak boleh nak update on that unexpected call, haven't had the time. Soon I hope.

Nour said...

hello..:) How are you doing??

yeah I agree, life would be better without the small talk :)

Men, when you buat derk, malas and not interested that is when they will be so sibuk and kepo! Well,let him ask around, who cares..muaahhahaha :P A jerk will always be a jerk!

Nour said...

yup ex's should be kept burried..a closed chapter in life..hehhehe They are such a waste of effort and time.

Nour said...

no ex gfs??? lucky you!