As I was scanning through some major topics highlighted in the SUN newspaper today I stumbled upon a disturbing article on heart disease and abdominal obesity. Having that “tummy” can definitely be a silent killer!! A survey was done and indicates that 47.1% and 60.2% percent of local men and women respectively suffer from abdominal obesity. Yikesss, Scary….!!
The Malaysian Shape of the Nation (MySon) uses the waist circumference (WS) instead of the normal body mass index (BMI) to determine any signs of a heart disease. Recent findings have shown that abdominal obesity is a better indicator. A higher/bigger waist circumference is linked to many diseases ie. cardiovascular disease, hypertension, lipid disorders, diabetes and the heart attack.
Survey states that men with waist circumference (WS) of more than 90cm while women more than 80cm falls under the condition of Abnormal Obesity. Oh boy, now I need to look for my measurement tape..where is it....
My colleague who was dissatisfied with the info (hehhehe!), argued and said then try explaining to me those cases where thin people also end up having heart attacks. Well, may be they were born with weak hearts eh. Being thin does not mean you have the optimum cholesterol level as well. Each and everyone of us is exposed to all these diseases/illnesses. No matter how berisi or comel you are la..:)
The Malaysian Shape of the Nation (MySon) uses the waist circumference (WS) instead of the normal body mass index (BMI) to determine any signs of a heart disease. Recent findings have shown that abdominal obesity is a better indicator. A higher/bigger waist circumference is linked to many diseases ie. cardiovascular disease, hypertension, lipid disorders, diabetes and the heart attack.
Survey states that men with waist circumference (WS) of more than 90cm while women more than 80cm falls under the condition of Abnormal Obesity. Oh boy, now I need to look for my measurement tape..where is it....
My colleague who was dissatisfied with the info (hehhehe!), argued and said then try explaining to me those cases where thin people also end up having heart attacks. Well, may be they were born with weak hearts eh. Being thin does not mean you have the optimum cholesterol level as well. Each and everyone of us is exposed to all these diseases/illnesses. No matter how berisi or comel you are la..:)
What ever it is, prevention is always better than cure right?! Hmm, hopefully those having that slight or massive tummy issues should be able to shed some off during the fasting month…hehehehe. I do hope it works for me, I for one need to shed loads of it …muuahahahahaha :)
fuh.. lega, luckily mine is below than 25cm (if am being honest below 27cm la)... but macam mana nak dapat flat tummy like the lady in blue???
saya suka chocolate
saya suka makan
hobi saya makan??
aiyah, after reading this ah, i feel so worried. i want to do lipo already.
talk about shedding those pounds... me need that very badly...
selamat berpuasa nour!!
err... how to gain weight?
i eat eat eat but still underweight
fat people r happy people.
Azer, i ada one post on how to get fat. will update tomoro or tuesday... maybe it can help.
Do sit ups! Hehe, it works but usually we are very 'malas' la kan to do so. But think abt the results fellas.
Nice tummy la that lady!
hehe, yup, gotta agree with angel eyes. Sit ups is a good way to throw away that tummy.
Have been doing that abdominal crunch lately - I know it's really a drag.. cam malas to the max, ok. But I've already fit into some of my kebaya. My aim is to fit into as many kebayas that i can for raya. Cos ever since lil' mikhail came into my life, my kebayas have somehow shrunk ;p
i;m sitting up! i dont see any pounds going anyware by just 'sitting up'.
siting up, standing up. u dont have to move right ?
Tak tau kenapa, sejak bulan puasa ni, tetiba rajin pulak nak buat sit-ups.
all my life doin posa...i hv never shed a single kilo...so how
wah...from your measurement, I can see that you are doing ok..no need to do sit ups (wink wink). hobi you makan?? hobi I pun makan...nikmat yg tak terhingga especially those Swiss brand chocolates...to die for..Yummy :)
hmm, lipo is the fastest waykan...hehehhe..my colleague was thinking of that option too :P
Does it hurt I wonder.
I guess at the end of the day, we need to jaga the way we eat also, our lifestyle, the teh tarik, the roti canai etc...oh and there goes my choc fudge cake.....selamat berposa to you too.
tak yah nak susah-susah gain weight..asal sihat dah :)))
That is what they say la kan...when you are happy you eat more...kalau dah sakit ...takde mood nak makan..
doing situps is the toughest..I just hate doing it..but getting good results requires hard work definitely. So sit ups here I come.
wah....good to know you are looking good! Hmm So we will see you in your kebaya for Raya!!!
hahahahha, keep doing that for the next 5 years, you will probably see the difference then!
oklah tu...boleh tak u pass your kerajinan to do sit ups to kat I..hehehehe
gravt kills,
Yeap..you got that rigt..!!Me too..no difference.Sigh!!
oit. bila nak apdet daa.... tak suka aa nengok gambar perut kempis tu ishhh ;P
im already seing diff. graduated at 75kg (ideal weight), previously 95, now bulan posa dia turun to 85kg
haha..tell me about it! The tummyless lady!:P
that's an accomplishment!! Way to go!!
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