Today is the 15th day of fasting. Hang in there people, before you know it Aidilfitri will be knocking on your door. I just love the month of Ramadhan not only because I get to eat and spend most of my dinner with my family but also the month where I get to eat all those authentic food.
Well, all these talk about food, reminds me on how disappointed I am with the Pasar Ramadan or Bazaar Ramadan. I am sure many of you have been frequenting the Bazaars to get your favourite food for your break fast and sahur. Believe it or not, I have only been to the Pasar Ramadhan twice, first in Kelana Jaya and today at the Stadium, Shah Alam. Today, I had to accompany my Dad as he was aiming to get the Murtabak Johor and Bubur Lambuk. Don't ask me why all they way in Shah Alam, eh?!!...:P
We saw the crowded parking space next to Stadium and I was shocked to see the number of people there. Wow, it was like a carnival with balloons and many stalls. As I was heading towards the stalls, I had no particular food in mind, just wanted to check out what they had in store. I saw the massive crowd, there were too many people (I am never good with crowds!) families with babies, kids (Hmm, I guess they are not worried about exposing their babies to the heavy/thick haze…?? Yikes, it is scary especially for kids who are prone to asthma or sinus). In fact, what amuses me even more was when a young lady ramped her stroller (with a baby inside) into me…I guess she was too busy looking at the food that she was not aware of her surroundings. :D
After today, officially, I am no longer interested in any Pasar/Bazaar Ramadhan. The Pasar Ramadhan never fails to disappoint me. Imagine, pushing myself through all the massive crowd only to buy a few dishes or traditional cakes and to discover later that they taste really bad and expecting me to accept food with the worst quality ever! My own personal experiences includes dishes which have turned bad or “basi” and not to mention buying pricey kuih muih which looks darn good but ends up tasting so awful.
Apart from the poor food quality, I have also heard cases of friends suffering from food poisoning etc. I dunno, what is wrong here?? Don’t the food sellers have any business ethics? Don’t they feel responsible for the food they sell? After all it is the holy month of Ramadhan, you should be doing good deeds, not selling food ONLY with the intention of reaping fast proceeds or benefits!!
So folks, make the right choice, I am sure there are many sellers worth buying from. As for me, I have given up. I am definitely opting for home cooked food….:)
Well, all these talk about food, reminds me on how disappointed I am with the Pasar Ramadan or Bazaar Ramadan. I am sure many of you have been frequenting the Bazaars to get your favourite food for your break fast and sahur. Believe it or not, I have only been to the Pasar Ramadhan twice, first in Kelana Jaya and today at the Stadium, Shah Alam. Today, I had to accompany my Dad as he was aiming to get the Murtabak Johor and Bubur Lambuk. Don't ask me why all they way in Shah Alam, eh?!!...:P
We saw the crowded parking space next to Stadium and I was shocked to see the number of people there. Wow, it was like a carnival with balloons and many stalls. As I was heading towards the stalls, I had no particular food in mind, just wanted to check out what they had in store. I saw the massive crowd, there were too many people (I am never good with crowds!) families with babies, kids (Hmm, I guess they are not worried about exposing their babies to the heavy/thick haze…?? Yikes, it is scary especially for kids who are prone to asthma or sinus). In fact, what amuses me even more was when a young lady ramped her stroller (with a baby inside) into me…I guess she was too busy looking at the food that she was not aware of her surroundings. :D
After today, officially, I am no longer interested in any Pasar/Bazaar Ramadhan. The Pasar Ramadhan never fails to disappoint me. Imagine, pushing myself through all the massive crowd only to buy a few dishes or traditional cakes and to discover later that they taste really bad and expecting me to accept food with the worst quality ever! My own personal experiences includes dishes which have turned bad or “basi” and not to mention buying pricey kuih muih which looks darn good but ends up tasting so awful.
Apart from the poor food quality, I have also heard cases of friends suffering from food poisoning etc. I dunno, what is wrong here?? Don’t the food sellers have any business ethics? Don’t they feel responsible for the food they sell? After all it is the holy month of Ramadhan, you should be doing good deeds, not selling food ONLY with the intention of reaping fast proceeds or benefits!!
So folks, make the right choice, I am sure there are many sellers worth buying from. As for me, I have given up. I am definitely opting for home cooked food….:)
i hv to rely on them daily. tak larat nak masak. kalau ada pun masak nasi aje. so hv be careful la. once bitten twice shy. dah sekali kena jgn beli dah. kalau regular customer, i think diorang pun nak jaga hati customer.
So far Alhamdulillah, no "basi" food for me, but pasal taste tu memang tak boleh nak cakap apa..
I seldom go to pasar ramadhan too, cos I finish work at 6. No time lah, gotta rush back home. Weekends pulak - it's always gathering time with friends and all.
My fave is S14 PJ, lontong & popiah 80 sen yang sedap tu... but the queue is crazy!
you know what they say... it's this time when you can really make the most in terms of $$$.
tapi so far the bazaar ramadan in kelana jaya is quite okay i think the food quality. they can be a bit pricey but lotsa varieties. then again, like you said, berapa banyak sangat nak beli kan.
this year, i have yet to go to any bazaar ramadhan mainly because i hate the rush and the difficulty to get a parking space. kalau nak beli pun, i'd buy from a trusted source like restaurants and such because you know you'd not get a compromised meal.
Same here. So malas to go to Bazar Ramadhan. Dahlah tak berapa sedap, mahal pulak tu.
Yep, its home cooked meals for me.
this year we cater. (sampai melebih2 lak makanan) ... erks
true especially kalau you and wife both working mana ada time nak masakla kan with the traffic congestion and all. By the time you reach home, time to berbuka.
I guess by now you know which stall you can trust..that is why sometimes I noticed some stalls will have the same old customers every day. :)
luck you..the taste tu memang susah nak cakapla kan especially kalau the ones yg prepare tu pun posa gak.
lambatnye balik..I thot posa mth you get to leave early. I have not tried the SS14 lontong and popiah Where is it located? again? Ramai tak org??Mebbe I shld check out this weekend..hehehe
yup...fast $$$$ for raya.
You know when I was at the Stadium, Shah Alam there is this stall called "ayam golek kelana jaya"..I was laughing my head off and I told my Dad all the way to Shah Alam and we see the same food from Kelana Jaya.:D
True, I just dread going to the Pasar Ramadhan Kelana Jaya because of the limited parking space.
I absolutely agree with you..dahlah pricey rasa pun tak seberapa.
wah kalau dah terlebih-lebih tu pass je la kat we all ni :P
i try nak masak sendiri kat my hse but tak sempat lah plak. No choice, have to tapau from param.
Nope, nour, we don't get to leave early, sob sob.
Anyway, the lontong and popiah stalls at section 14 (Jaya) are located near each other. Kalau nak tahu, the popiah stall tu, will have ramai sgt orang beratur. I usually only wanna order like 3 or 4 popiahs, tapi sebab sakit hati queue lama, I'd end up buying 10 and I'd give some away to my neighbours ;p
Tapau-ing is the most convenient way. Tapi just be sure that the place you tapau from is the one you are familiar with..wahh so how is yr buka posa session going on? You are always busy.:)
Thanks for the info. Am gonna check it out this weekend.. Yummy-liciousnye.
waahh raz, you are so sweet la. murah rezeki camtu. ingat sakit hati tanak beratur. sekali beli 10 da... eh i heard about the popiah stall la. best betul ke?
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