Tuesday, September 26

The unexpected call...

Today is the third day of fasting, how are you all coping so far?? Hehehe…I am doing OK and so far will try to refrain myself from any Ramadhan buffets at the Hotels. I was looking through the price list of the buffets in most of the hotels in PJ/KL and the menu they have through out Ramdhan month. Wow, it is so damn tempting, it left me “drooling” I tell you.. :P

Yesterday, as I was busy putting things away for the day and was just about to leave the office when I received a call from a person who I have lost contact for a year and a half. The last time we spoke was back in 2004, pretty ancient don’t you think? Back then, we did chat and shared many things in common but due to our hectic schedules and so forth, the friendship just stopped at that. I was surprised that he still has my mobile no while I somehow deleted his. :P Anyway, he said he did text me to wish whenever there is a celebration ie, Aidilfitri, Aidiladha, New Year etc..but he never got any replies from me. Honestly, I didn’t know it was him (that explains why I ignored his messages) as I had already deleted his no, but NO way am I gonna confess that to him now.. muuahahaha :)

So we spoke about life, our jobs, all the normal stuff. All this while I did not know that he has moved jobs and is currently working in Bangi somewhere close to where the bank’s training center is located. Cool eh. He asked me out for berbuka puasa and I said I will get back to him. I am still thinking...!! Hmmn, it looks like I might not be able to refrain myself from the Ramadhan buffet much longer.


Anonymous said...

*smile* *wink* Are you going on a date? hehe... sorry, I can be very busybody at times.

Anyways, why refrain yourself from ramadhan buffets? Especially if it's the other party who's paying ;p

Anonymous said...

nak pergi date ye!

Am just a gal said...

Ala, jangan la malu2 sis...

Nour said...

Hey Raz,
It is not so much abt him kena bayar but me and food...and buffets...memang tak dapat dipisahkan. Takut tak muat je baju raya I nanti :-P


mana ada malu la sis. Cuma terkedu je..

Mama Rock said...

nour, refraing the buffet or the caller :)

Azer Mantessa said...

i was about to ask the same question tapi mama rock dah tanya :D

ehem ehem

trueblue said...

Takpe, yang penting dapat makan free! Hehe..

Nour said...

mama rock,
let me see, it is the food binging la mama! Hmmm or could it be the caller??Naaahla..

ehem ehem...wink wink!

well kalau makan free (free food) mesti sedapppp kan! Kalau sendiri kena bayar..impact dia lain sikit :)

Angel Eyes said...

Pegi la dear... why not? Dah lama tak jumpa dia kan?

Then you tell us the story ya?

Tynna said...

ahhh Nour..lost contact coming back?...sounds fun..you must have been in his thoughts all the while dun you think so?...

I feel happy for you Nour...

Idham said...

:) go la ..go la...
later tell how was the dinner and the date kay!

psst, kalau boleh ambek gambar sekali ye..


Anonymous said...

u know.. sometimes best jugak bagitau a man that you've deleted his number. that way, he'll work extra hard.

selamat berpuasa.

merapuman said...

anonymous kat atas tu, it was me. tak tau pulak kenapa tak boleh login hari tu. btw, apa cerita ? dah berjumpa ?

Nour said...

angel eyes,
Hi dear..tak sempat lagi, been pretty busy, I rasa masa nak kat Raya la kot...baru best! hehehe

you could be right there..dunno la actually, can never concludela sis for now as it is too early to say.

enjoy yrself in Jakarta and thank you for the kind wishes :)

Yesla yesla....will update you later...but as for taking pics, No way!! hahahah:)

Selamat berpuasa..slam to kak lil.

Nour said...

hey cookie,
actuallykan to think of it, I shld have done that..tell him that I have deleted his no...so he knows that he is not the only living man on earth :-P...
Men and the chasing game...malasla I. I am so not into games, kalau main2 I delete je dari my memory bank..hehehe. Coz life is to short and precious to be wasted on games.:P

Selamat berpuasa to you too. Take care:)

So youla the anonymous one..Aisey...ingatkan siapala orgnye .Belum ada cerita panas lagi...planning for a buka puasa masa close to raya nanti, been pretty busy lately at work. You have a good day today and keep posting all those cool pics ok?

Anonymous said...

and i quote again, 'great minds think alike'.

i so hate games as well. but when it comes to certain type of men, sometimes you just have to play that game... you don't have to play their game, you play your game. otherwise, them and their sick perceptions ie. pakai baju tali2 means you're teasing them... kalau kita tunggu their call, they say we're clingy bla bla. ah... malassss...

Nour said...

Yesss!! Great minds do think alike! :)
Some men are just not worth our effortlakan...One things for sure is - WE girls shld set our own rules and play our own games.