So who do you think will be the new millionaire tonight?? Is it gonna be Faizal, Suki or Aliff? You can catch the One in a Million - Grand Finale Episode tonight on 8TV at 9.30pm. Dayang was voted out last week, which was really unexpected. Her fans must be pretty dissappointed eh! Anyway, I hope Faizal wins. Lets check it out tonight and I hope that many Malaysian viewers feel the same way like I do. GO Faizal GO!!
sob sob.. I am still sad for Dayang.. what I can see
Faizal - the most talented after Dayang... but....
Suki - I dun like her at all... but she got luck
Alif - So and so, kejap ok kejap tak
Well, I hate to sound racist but Chinese people will vote Suki and they are the biggest spender around.
Here's what a composer-friend says, "Faisal will win if Suki don't screw up".
Anyway, I also echo you, Nour - I like Faisal and his passion for singing and attitude.
i think it's gonna be suki
selamat berpuasa semua :-)
Faissaaaalllllllllll...but Suki banyak voters...How laaa...
selamat berposa
Idham.. on behalf of Nour... hik hik asal boleh jer I reply for her... kalau ikut persembahan I should say that Faizal deserve to win... but tak tau how... the winner and the new jutawan is SUKI... I laughed out loud sebab dia menang.. i guess dia cuma menang undi ... she is not the true talent... tapi dah rezeki dia kan...
Faizal has the talent, I would agree with you on that but I guess Suki had a lot of supporters who were giving all their best to mkae sure she wins. Hopefully Faizal's singing career will not just end. It will be sad eh We need singers who not only have the talent but have the attitude and personality.
well it is truelah kan her voters or supporters are willing to do anything to make her the new millionaire..look at the green lime shirts they all wore that night for Suki!!
I still think Faizal should have won...Sigh!!! But then again, bukan rezeki dia.
you must be one of her ardent fan hehehehhe :-P
Selamat berposa to you too :)
Sorryla you ...Forget all abt you not getting the live show there..hehehe..Suki is the new millionaire, Faizal was second most voted and than comes Aliff.
Heya. Selamat berpuasa and menyambut ramadhan.
yup...I really thought Faizal was the best performer la that night...
yeah tak de rezeki..tak pe hopefully some producer will take him in..
Psst, nasib baik you tolong comment on my behalf..That's what friends are for.. :)
sob sob... I feel so sad for faizal... he deserves to win.
Hi raz,
Yeap, he definitely deserves to win, he is so creativela kan..such a waste :(
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