Thursday, September 21

I feel so crappy…………

A few of my good old friends called me early in the morning today to tell me about their good news. They were so excited and I could hear it from their voice tone. I wonder why is it happening to a few of them at one time. Hehehe! They had a change of plan, which initially involved them moving to other organizations. Reasons for this change of mind or plans are mainly due to their initial offers being matched by their current employers. They are all so happy and excited about their new salary and promotions. Some organizations are just worth working for eh! May be I should start applying when they have vacancies... :D!! I am so happy for them at least now with the extra bucks, they have no more excuses when it comes to treating me for lunches and dinners. Yeha!!

Nonetheless, after absorbing the good news, shmucks, I started to analyse myself, my career and thus, what I have achieved so far in life. This is when I get all crappy and serious. I will start analyzing what I have done and need to do to have a successful career path. Questions that was stuck in my thoughts early today,

1. Have I tried hard enough in terms of my work and improving my career path?
2. Have I been giving myself the opportunity to explore the other possibilities?
3. Is the present employer good enough for me? What about the perks? Is it sufficient?
4. Is there still a learning curve or have I reached the peak of it?
5. Is it time for a promotion?
6. Do I need to venture and try out other job scope? Be well versed in all areas and not just focus on one main area.
7. Does my salary commensurate my work and responsibilities??

(Given more time, my list could be a very long one, I tell you..)

All this serious thinking will normally make feel so crappy and mellow. This happens when I start comparing myself with the accomplishments of others. Again, many times I have always drilled myself to never compare and always believe that each and every one of us has our own “rezeki”. Comparing what you have and what you don’t have will only make life a living hell. But being human, we tend to make the same mistake all the time. Oh well, apart from the “ rezeki” we should also learn to count our blessings right? Try our best to be a better person in all ways but also learn to be patient. Life is a process where you will never know what is in store for you until you go through it with loads of patience, perseverance and determination.

Oh and not to forget, Happy Fasting!!


Am just a gal said...

For me pulak :-

1. Have I tried hard enough in terms of my work and improving my career path? - I gave my best, but they said i wasn't good enuf... (biasalah one will never satisfied) still can improve

2. Have I been giving myself the opportunity to explore the other possibilities? - well yes

3. Is the present employer good enough for me? What about the perks? Is it sufficient? - compared to my previous, even my salary much lower.. but it was a good one... not now

4. Is there still a learning curve or have I reached the peak of it? - not in a learning curve anymore... but still need to learn

5. Is it time for a promotion? - AND I WILL SAY YES YES YES

6. Do I need to venture and try out other job scope? Be well versed in all areas and not just focus on one main area - tried

7. Does my salary commensurate my work and responsibilities?? - I WILL SAY NO NO NO ... macam ungrateful ke?? but serious it was underpaid!!!!!!!!!!!

gravtkills said...

happy fastin!

Nour said...

we can never be satisfied with what we already have kan...Sigh
nama pun manusua kan..:)
You take care girl and Happy Fasting!

Gravt Kills,
happy fasting to you too :)