Wednesday, September 10

10th day of Ramadhan

credit to

Today marks the 10th day of Ramadhan. It is getting easier, I would say, I mean getting used to fasting. But what I am not used to is the massive and bad traffic jam every morning when I leave for work and when I leave the office at 5.15pm. I normally use the smart tunnel at Jln Tun Razak but amazingly by 5pm, there is already a long queue. Sigh, the traffic gets really bad year after year. Everyone is rushing to go home for breakfast. Oh well, what’s new in KL, local transport sucks big time during the fasting month and getting caught in jams just makes me wanna scream my lungs out. Ohhh and the KL drivers are also kiasu during fasting month, bagi signal je, dia ingat dia boleh masuk. Kita pulak kena buat emergency break BUT I do try to avoid confronting these sickos, coz they can be really nasty during fasting month. Hmm, I wonder, doesn’t fasting count? You are supposed to be extra sabar and bersopankan? Apa dah...

I plan to make a few changes this time round for Raya, mainly on the Raya cookies, I have cut down on my gila kuasa-ness when buying kuih raya! Last year, was bad, when I tasted the cookies during the sample period, they all tasted good. Unfortunately for me, when they were delivered to me, most of the cookies didn’t taste as good as before. So this year, I will only buy cookies from those who I trust and I know the taste will always be consistent. Oh and not to forget, the kakak who sells the yummy tarts has increased the price to RM30 for 50 pieces. Well, I do love her tarts coz they are normal bunga shaped tarts not the rolled ones but but but I mogok tak nak beli this year coz it is sooo bloody expensive, like hello …60 cents per piece? No way I am gonna agree to that!

This year’s Ramadhan is still not the same without my mom. I miss her so much! No words can describe how much I miss her. Having both your parents around for Raya is definitely what every anak wants but then again it is not for us to decide. Semoga rohnya sentiasa dicucuri Rahmat. Al-Fatihah.

On a brighter note, I have a new nephew…we call him Iz. I was hoping for my sis to deliver baby Iz Rayn on National Day but I guess lil Iz decided to surprise us a few days earlier. Welcome to the family and we love you so much. I thank God for all his blessings, Syukur Alhamdulillah that I have a family that cares.

Selamat berpuasa! Jangan puasa yang yok! Hehe :D

Till my next post, take care and selamat beramal ibadah!


Yam said...

You! Selamat berpuasa hehehe...

Talking about bad drivers.. You know semalam ada accident at our 4-ringgit parking lot! Both lady drivers. Can't remember the car yg hentam, but the car kena hit was a dark-red (maroon?) My-Vi. So kesian. I sempat tengok glimpse of the My-Vi driver, she looked stunned plus a bit tension also kot...

Oooh best nya ada baby in the house! I love babies nyer smell... so unique and delicious! (err, not 'eat' delicious ok, hehe u know what I mean kan :D )


Nour said...

OMG Yam, kesian the girl! I heard abt it from Az today, according to her, the driver was an outsider buksn staff and kira macam pak cik2 and he was very upset with her..a few witnesses say he is at fault, he was driving at a high speed! Betul ke? I balik cepat yday so it probably happened after that. Heard it was quite a damage. Sigh, time2 macam ni la nak jadi.

Oh yessss, the baby smell is just pure bliss. He spends most of his time sleeeeping..zzz

Selamat berpuasa...lama dah tak chat dgn many things to gossip!!hehe