Sunday, August 26

A hot and humid day..

Phewwww, what a hectic weekend! It was tough I tell ya to wake up sooooo early on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. On Saturday, I was already up at 5.30am to send my lil sis and family to the airport. Yayaya, they are all in Bandung now having a wonderful time shopping! Coming back only on Tuesday and they called to say they just love the “Rumah Mode" factory outlet…:D

Well, today on SUNDAY morning, my dad had to wake me up at 6.30am, as we had to drive to my brother’s place in Kemensah before heading for my cousin’s wedding in Changkat Jering, Perak. By the way, why is it called Changkat Jering eh??? May be because it used to be famous for its supply of jerings? Muaahaha! I am so curiousla..anybody??!

it was slightly foggy this morning

My cousin got engaged in June this year, so imagine the short time frame given to us to prepare for his wedding. Since both his parents are no longer around, so we as his close cousins would definitely try to help as much as we can for the wedding preparations. I know my dad and aunties would be there to help as much as they can. In fact today, I was teary eyed too when I saw him shed a few tears when the nikah ceremony was over. I understood how he must have felt since his parents were not there to share his happiness. I know my arwah auntie-alang would be proud of him today. Dengan sekali lafaz, he was pronounced a husband. Alhamdulillah, syukur!

I got my friend to bake me her lovely cupcakes as one of the "hadiah" to be put on his dulang hantaran for the bride.

I love these cupcakes.

We are also happy that the wedding at the girl’s side turned out okay plus minus a little communication error when we were told that the bride is ready, so it is time for the rombongan to walk to the house but much to our surprise when we got there the mc guy told us that they had made a mistake, she was not ready!! Imagine, I was holding the dulang under the hot and humid sun with the kompang guys banging on their instruments!! I was hot and humid inside....macam nak meletup dah! Fortunately food was OK. The theme colour for today was lilac and for our side next week, it would be bronze/gold. Alamak, to think of it, baju pun I tak beli lagi, hmmm I need to look for a nice baju kurung with little patterns of gold here and there, any suggestion ladies?? Do you know where I can get lovely ready made baju kurungs or kebayas??

the nikah ceremony

meja pengantin

Enough about weddings for now...Will think about it later next week.

Even though I was busy all day today, I still have my arwah mama close to my heart. Normally she would be the one attending all these important weddings and I would just follow her. I will have to continue her legacy, I guess. I miss her so much and will always pray that I will be given the opportunity to visit my arwah mama’s grave every weekend. I keep talking about her to my dad, sisters and brother whenever I feel like it. I don't cry as much as I used to but Alhamdulillah I am hanging on to all my memories with her and hopefully continue to have the strength to be a good person as she was. Al-fatihah. Semoga roh arwah dicucuri Rahmat. Amin.

will always be remembered!

Have a good week ahead y’all. I just dread Mondays!


Azer Mantessa said...

what a weekend :-)

have a good weekdays ahead :-)

D.N.A.S said...

i usually shop at Ampang Point kalau nak cari ready made baju kurung. Don't remember the name of the shop, tapi memang banyak choice and prices range from RM75 to RM300 like that for a pair of baju kurung Johor.

Elly said...

hi nour,

wow, those cupcakes look really yummy! is it possible for you to email/ym me the contact number of your friend who makes it?

thanks heaps!:-)

Nour said...

Hi Azer,
yeah you can say that again..what a weekend!

You too have a great week ahead!!

Hello d.n.a.s,
thank you for the pointer..I shall check it out today after work, since it is pretty close to the office..:)

Heyya Elly,
I just mailed you her contact no. Do check it out. Happy ordering!

Captain Kangaroo said...

Those are nice cupcakes! Oh I miss chocolate fish. Monday came and went away -- not bad really!

Dade Ghost said...

School holidays.. so lots of wedding. I dunno why Changkat Jering too??

Shopping for Kebaya...lagi tak tau...

Have fun Nour shopping.... and your Mondays too....


hello strong times it is our role to continue on with where our parents had sure your mom is proud of you...semoga roh beliau dicucuri rahmat...

ps- thanks for dropping by the blog
ps2- am secretly a fan of B&B too tapi jangan cakap org....hahahha

Cosmic_GurL said...

Happy Tuesday!! It rained and I wish I could stay in bed the whole day.

Sniff sniff..I doa roh your mom dicucuri rahmat as well. It's so sad to loose a parent. Stay strong Nour.

p/s : LOL! I pun baru perasan u letak link B&B. Im a fan too..secretly like Eddy Purnama la..haha! Brooke is such a bitch but somehow I selalu kesian her...after what Ridge put her thru no wonder she turn out she way she is

Nour said...

dr frap,
Good to know Monday came as a breeze for you. I was half asleep most of the time in the office. Too lazy to get my self into any important stuff at work. haha!

Hi DG,
yeahlah school holidays, weddings almost every weekend. It took us plus minus 2.5 hours to reach taiping and we were lucky that we didnt get stuck in any jams on the way back. Th turn off was the "food poising" the night after we came back. Damn I woke up at 1.30am. I wonder why is it like a normal thing to have food poisoning when u eat at kenduri khawin. When I told my friends abt it, the response was like "biasala tu panas2 macam ni makanan cepat basi" ..Very dissappointing I tell ya!

Nour said...

Eddy Sparrow,

Thanks. Glad I dropped by at yr blog. It was fun reading your entries..:) Anyways, planning to drop by more often now. Ooooh, so I guess ramai jugak peminat B&B dalam diam2. I started watching B&B since I was in Secondary School..hahahha, Brooke I think dah khawin dgn so many pple dah till I lost count. But u know, I think the best match for her so far is Nick..Dunno why she is still so into Ridge...:D

Yup, it rained this morning too (Wednesday) and I just couldnt open my eyes...sedapnye tido!

I heard traffic was really bad today, thank GOD I took the LRT train and now all I can think of is my bed at home :) you pun minat B&B...I just love the scandals they have coz it can only happen on B&B! Brooke got married to the father, the sons, nick is Ridge's half brother..etc ...the cucu je belum lagi..muahaha!