Today was definitely a nightmare for me. I was stuck in a crowded LRT train early in the morning with a guy who had a strong body odour. I hate it when one doesn’t bother about personal hygiene. Oh boy, it was a terrible experience for me especially when I had no room to move and the air ventilation was pretty bad. The sardine can crowd was unbearable. The smell and less fresh air made me go all dizzy through out the journey. Ooooh and I am sure I was not the only one who couldn’t take the foul smell because the lady on his other side kept looking at him and at the same time kept playing with her nose. Sigh!!
So folks, I guess the moral of the story is never leave home without your Rexona, Speed Stick, Perfumes, Deodorants.....etc. Believe me, BODY ODOUR can really kill someone! Muuahaha :P
Have a wonderful weekend people.
So folks, I guess the moral of the story is never leave home without your Rexona, Speed Stick, Perfumes, Deodorants.....etc. Believe me, BODY ODOUR can really kill someone! Muuahaha :P
Have a wonderful weekend people.
hehe.. the secret is.. b4 u go out from your hse, spray loads of perfume on your wrist or back of hand. So, whenever you smell somethg unpleasant, just pretend as if you wanna scratch your nose or somethg..
kesian dia. bau badan yg sangat busuk boleh menyebabkan gangguan jiwa dlm LRT. setuju ngan razberries, spray loads of perfume at strategic areas.
u should keep an extra one in yr handbag so that u can offer them to those in need
Poor you darling... for sure I can feel u, sesak nafas kan... imagine kalau journey tu panjang... how u going to survive
good idea...will start doing that from today on wards.
mak cik...kesian dia pun ada..kesian kat we all sendiri pun ada...Pening kepala :p
yeah like that boleh bankrupt la I asyik supply rexona and perfumes..
the best part is it was early in the morning..masa tu everyone would be all wangi and fresh la kan..hehehe...may be LRt should have air freshners in the coaches..yayaya wishful thinking!
i dont think that guy perasan yg dia ada bad smell. he is so used to it and it's normal to him. tapi kesian la orng disekelilingnya... at my ofis, what we did was buy a rexona for his bday (frm anonymous la ..)
urrghhh... there was once i was stuck in the lrt with one guy had urine smell on him...seriously disgusting!
That is a good idea. But then I dont know who he is..hehhe If I i had known where he works or lives..I can post a bottle of rexona as a gift :P
mama rock,
yikes ...horrornye..that is so gross..dia homeless ke?
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