I finally found the right time to catch CINTA the movie. I did a last minute phone booking for the movie at TGV, OneU. However, when I wanted to collect the tickets, the girl at the counter told me the booking was already cancelled as I was late. Yayaya..it was not my fault, blame it on the traffic jam along LDP. But before I could react to that, she smiled and said “but we still have a few seats left, do you still want them?”. Yup, of course eh!
I fell in love with the CINTA movie instantly!!! The movie is just sweet and lovely. The storyline is simple yet very meaningful. It not only made me laugh my lungs out, it also made me smile, frown and most importantly, it made me cry buckets. I remember watching an interview on “Wanita Hari Ini, TV3 on the second day of Raya with the main cast. Rahim Razali said something that I totally agree especially after watching the movie. He said about how each and every one of us would be able to relate to at least one of the five interrelated stories. Ohh in my case, I can sooo relate to most of the stories. I could relate from the perspective of being a grand daughter, elder sis, a woman, a friend etc.
The characters of Amin, Ruby (Fatimah Abu Bakar) and Cikgu Elyas (Rahim Razali) really touched my heart. I am sure me and the rest of the viewers could relate to the story of Cikgu Elyas especially when it involves a sick grandfather. Cikgu Elyas has Alzheimers and his grandson (Amin) was advised by the doctor to send his grand dad to a special home as his illness needs special supervision. I cried because he reminds me of my late grand father.
The story of Harris (Rashidi Ishak) and Airin (Rita Rudani) also made me cringe. Imagine someone, you have always love ever since you were 18 and have a beautiful daughter with, returns back from work one day and tells you that she met another guy. She doesn’t love you the way she loves the other guy. She loves you like a friend or brother. Believe me this happens, in fact it happened to my close friend years ago. I saw how it crushed her. I could feel Harris’s disappointment and hurt.
Another story I can’t forget is the relationship between a devoted sister, Dyan (Nanu) and her rebellious brother, Dhani(Que Haidar). The sacrifices one makes for the other and how one can be a strong career woman but when it comes to love and emotions, one just settles for less.
The two other stories were good as well. Go watch the movie!
I believe all of us have CINTA in us. CINTA towards our other half, friends, parents, siblings, grandparents, and the list goes on and on. What matters is we should always believe in CINTA as CINTA is God’s gift to all of us.
My favourite was when Cikgu Elyas said these words- Isteri itu bukan hak milik suami tetapi ISTERI itu ANUGERAH Tuhan.
My weekend was definitely filled with CINTA… :)
Take care folks!
I fell in love with the CINTA movie instantly!!! The movie is just sweet and lovely. The storyline is simple yet very meaningful. It not only made me laugh my lungs out, it also made me smile, frown and most importantly, it made me cry buckets. I remember watching an interview on “Wanita Hari Ini, TV3 on the second day of Raya with the main cast. Rahim Razali said something that I totally agree especially after watching the movie. He said about how each and every one of us would be able to relate to at least one of the five interrelated stories. Ohh in my case, I can sooo relate to most of the stories. I could relate from the perspective of being a grand daughter, elder sis, a woman, a friend etc.
The characters of Amin, Ruby (Fatimah Abu Bakar) and Cikgu Elyas (Rahim Razali) really touched my heart. I am sure me and the rest of the viewers could relate to the story of Cikgu Elyas especially when it involves a sick grandfather. Cikgu Elyas has Alzheimers and his grandson (Amin) was advised by the doctor to send his grand dad to a special home as his illness needs special supervision. I cried because he reminds me of my late grand father.
The story of Harris (Rashidi Ishak) and Airin (Rita Rudani) also made me cringe. Imagine someone, you have always love ever since you were 18 and have a beautiful daughter with, returns back from work one day and tells you that she met another guy. She doesn’t love you the way she loves the other guy. She loves you like a friend or brother. Believe me this happens, in fact it happened to my close friend years ago. I saw how it crushed her. I could feel Harris’s disappointment and hurt.
Another story I can’t forget is the relationship between a devoted sister, Dyan (Nanu) and her rebellious brother, Dhani(Que Haidar). The sacrifices one makes for the other and how one can be a strong career woman but when it comes to love and emotions, one just settles for less.
The two other stories were good as well. Go watch the movie!
I believe all of us have CINTA in us. CINTA towards our other half, friends, parents, siblings, grandparents, and the list goes on and on. What matters is we should always believe in CINTA as CINTA is God’s gift to all of us.
My favourite was when Cikgu Elyas said these words- Isteri itu bukan hak milik suami tetapi ISTERI itu ANUGERAH Tuhan.
My weekend was definitely filled with CINTA… :)
Take care folks!
thx for sharing ... very nice :-)
best kan!
bila u tengok ni, hari ni ke .. i was at 1U again today from 11am-4pm
Hi azer,
Have you watched it?? Go and watch it if you have the time. :)
You almost cried eh.. ALMOST?? You shouldn't control..cry je la la...hehe
I was in OneU yday at 4pm. Laa you were there today..lama nye..shopping sakan ?.
Memang best. You bought the soundtrack kan.. How is it??
Cinta huh? oke..I'll try catch it soon...
You saw Dejavu? I didn't understand the movie at all.I think it's a blend of Minority Report and Stay Alive...at least the other two I understood....
I was thinking if they wanted to bring back time to stop the attack.....how do they explain the funeral of the woman when actually she is alive?.Who did they bury?
Hi babe,
Tak boleh jadik nim semua org dah pi tengok, i pun nak tengok lah.. hehe
Plan nak beli soundtrack dia, ok tak?
Told you the movie memang best! Hehehe...
I rasa nak tengok lagi. See lah how. Plus, I realllyyyyyyyy want to watch Deja Vu! My cousin said it's very good, she even wanted to go for second helping! :D
Hey blackfeline,
Yeah go watch CINTA..it wil touch your heart one way or the other.
Yeah, Dejavu was pretty difficult to comprehend, the past and things they managed to change just didn't jive, one moment you see Doug is dead another minute you see him alive. I was like what the heck..yeah and the funeral too..but Denzel Washington was good as always. That made it worth watching.
Hi Angel,
Surprising all my friends have watched it. Cinta dah kena promote habis2an that is why everyone wanted to give it a shot. So girl, go watch it.
Hmm, I like the songs in the movie but havent had the time to check out the soundtrack album..ni kena tanya merapuman..coz he bought the soundtrack..:)
Yup..memang bestla babe..thanks for the earlier reviews and giving me the push to watch :)
Dejaavu is worth watching only because Denzel Washington was brilliant.
if u know me, i'm not a big fan of malay movies simply because they usually leave me feeling shortchanged at the movies. but... due to the touching promo i've seen on tv, i went and watched it. girl... i cried at every scene ok ;P urrghhh... i hate crying...
pergi awal for lunch, then send kids for happy feet at 1:45, lepas tu layan bini cari handbag la, makeup2 la, kasut la .. u know la .. women :)
i tak ingat semua tajuk lagu, balik nanti i update in my blog, the cd is in my car but today i'm driving hers.
Hi Biskut @ Juan,
You cried to?? Yeah it was pretty touchingkan..Who wouldnt? Tersentuh gak. I am not really a fan of malay movies too..In fact I cant find a good quality movie that I can be happy abt. Sepet was good, Gubra was not as good as Sepet. As for PHSM...the storyline was messy.
Oh I hope there will be more quality malay movies in the future..that is worth RM10!
Nice of you to accompany yr wife for shopping..some men just dont bother..:P
Anyway do tell us about the soundtrack ok?
i agree with you totally on PHSM! it's damn messy and kekadang totally non-understandable. nasib baik i dapat tiket free tayangan perdana so called. hampeh hehe...
sepet was my last one before i watched cinta. the storyline is smooth la and i can't believe i could cry that much ;P lepas tu siap malu sebab don't want my other half to think i'm so weak hehe...
Nour, your question.
before ur friends visit any blog, ask them to log in to beta.blogger.com 1st.
or masa kat komen tu pun, there's a link to sign in as beta blogger kan. sign in masa tu la
perpisahan - anuar zain
sewaktu dulu - andy flop poppy
ikhlas tapi jauh - ve (versi dialog cinta)
selamanya - anggun
tiada yg kedua - kefli
cinta - misha and Jaclyn victor
belaian jiwa - innuendo
pantun - zainal abidin
kasih berubah - ferhad
bila engkau jauh - shannon
januari - glenn fredly
without you - same same feat jaclyn victor
tema alisa - dialog anak rashidi/rita. masa dia cakap tak nak tak nak tu and masa dia nangis nak ikut ayah dia
biskut @ Juan,
Yup..Sepet was beautiful..simple and sweet. With a few hillarious scenes!! Hopefully there are more good malay movies in the making.
PHSM tu overratedkan.
hey you...the problem is if the blogger yg nak leave comment tu tak upgrade lagi, he or she will have a problem signing in to comment on a beta version blog..they keep telling password incorrect. For people like me yg dah upgrade pi comment kat yrs yg dah upgrade ..have no worries. Even us kalau comment kat yg tak upgrade pun tak de prob. Siiigghh!!..
Psst, thanks for the soundtrack list..I am planning to get one too..hehehhe
nour....aawwww, abg id baca ur story pun rasa mcm sebak2...adesss
bila lah agaknya boleh tgk CINTA ni...depa kata CINTA itu buta--dlm movie tu ada adakah cinta yg mcm tu?
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