Thursday, August 24

Communication issues...

Sometimes I wonder how messages can get distorted so easily. Sometimes, the person passing the message was probably not listening carefully or may be due to the excitement, he or she could have carelessly missed out a few important facts. Anyway something funny happened last week and till now it still makes me laugh my head off.

Last Friday, I called my dad from the office and the conversation was as follows:

Dad : Hello
Me : Hello, just to let you know, do not call me at my cell number, battery is very low and it will go off soon.
Dad : OK
Me : And don’t worry, I will pick mama up at the hospital today after she is done with her dialysis session.
Dad : OK. Bye.

So there I was after work heading towards the dialysis unit and saw my mom there with the nurse doing her last minute weight checking. My mom after seeing me, asked me, “how come you are here, I thought your dad called me and said he is coming to pick me up as your car battery went dead”.

I was left speechless, I thought my cell phone battery went dead NOT my car battery. Muuuahahahaa :D

Moral of the story, when you have aged parents, please be clear when conversing as probably they have a lot of things on their mind or may be due to the daily medication their hearing is not as perfect as it used to be. Nonetheless, I love my parents very much and all those hiccups that sometimes arises are those things I would not wanna miss it for the world, I was laughing my head off thinking about my dad and how he does make my life interesting. Laughter is definitely the best medicine! :)


Am just a gal said...

Oh is ok - ur mom got a lovely daugther and a good hubby

Anonymous said...

Hehe... very kelakar lah girl. Tapi kesian you dad had to drive all the way to pick up your mom. But it wasn't anybody's fault, though.

Nour said...

hi nzn,
thank you for the kind words..I'm sure you are one lovely daughter too:)

Raz, dad somehow knew that I was picking my mom up so he stayed at home. I have a feeling it is either my dad tersalap cakap or my mom tersalah dengar...hehehhee..

UglyButAdorable said...

nour..cell phone or \car battery ker dead long as not them..u know i dunno how i'm gonna faced my parents death..ya Allah i kenot imagine...

but your dad is one cool dad..and mom you pun..and u great daughter u are..

Anonymous said...

Knowing Ayah, I am pretty sure it was Mama who received the message wrongly :) or else Ayah would have been there at the hospital to pick her up.

Nour said...

that is my greatest fear...hopefully Allah panjangkan umur hendaknye..InsyaAllah.

lil sis,
mama salah dengar la tu..since ayah is always efficient when it comes to picking her upkan!

Azer Mantessa said...

Communication Breakdown:

Wife: Hey, honey. I’m sick with the flu. It’s absolutely awful.

Hubby: Well, take some medicine.

Wife: I already did, but I still feel terrible.

Hubby: Well then, go to the doctor.

Wife: But everyone else at work is sick too. I couldn’t get an appointment for today.

Hubby: Well then, I’m sorry. I can’t help you there.

erks ... yikes

Tynna said...

hehe..good old dad! ever ready to be at hand!

Nour said...

Hi Azer,
Haha! Well, I guess communication breakdown is so normal these days eh...

Yup my dad is the best!

Mama Rock said...

the art of least you guys got together, though one battery went dead :)

Nour said...

hi mamarock,

yeah nasib baik someone turned up at the hospital..hehe definitely the art of communicating :)