Yup I plan to be a bear rug since I am off today. My boss approved my replacement leave for today since I had to work late on one of those Saturdays. Yeay!!! I got a call from my eldest sis early in the morning asking me why I am at home…and she even ask me…why are you on leave?? Slept late watching Siti’s wedding, is it??? Yeah, right! Isn’t it great to have your sister checking up on you early in the morning to see whether you are working or not! :-P
I am planning to spend the day today finishing up on my reading. Gosh, in fact I am still stuck with my novel. I can’t seem to move to another chapter as my mind is still hooked on to a ‘hot’ story I heard from a girlfriend over lunch yesterday. I can’t seem to get it off my mind and was wondering how blind one can be when it comes to relationships.
This is a story about a lady who happens to be a friend of a close friend of mine. Anyway this lady G, met an Australian guy when he was working in the same office in KL. They started off as office mates, friends and eventually fell in love with one another (till now I still wonder was it love or lust?). They became an item and after a year, he went back to their office in Australia. They still stayed in touch, went for holidays together and never fail to communicate via phone or the computer. However lately, he seems to be preoccupied with some other things and Lady G is sensing something is obviously wrong. She is currently feeling insecure. Whenever she calls, he will always be in a meeting, however he says he still loves her and plans for a future together.

Lady G said to us, her instincts tells her, he is not sincere. So to prove her point to us, she came up with a plan which was pretty amusing. She got online one night and saw he was online as well, she changed her nickname and started messaging him. Hoping and praying that he would ignore this so called new girl she was pretending to be. Oh boy, what happened was too hurting as he did reply to her messages and even asked for the new girl’s number. The yahoo chat sessions when on for weeks, he was definitely flirting with this new girl and even told her he was coming down for a conference. She was so heartbroken. Lady G told us she is determined to get him here and catch him in action!
Lady G told us, how surprised she is that a guy who is successful and normal who she had known professionally at the office can turn out to be a jerk! She said she would have expected that from someone she would have met randomly online but not someone you would know at the office. Well, I guess nowadays you just can’t trust anyone.
Yiikees, I told her, he is a jerk and something is just not right. I told her to abandon her mission as it is just a waste of time and in the end could hurt her even more. Just dump the jerk and move on! She plans to confront him when he comes here for the conference. Well, when a person is all geared up for a mission anything you say or do will not make a difference. I wish her luck and hopefully it won’t turn out to be a nasty confrontation.
pic courtesy of http://www.painetworks.com/pages/04/042263.html
I am planning to spend the day today finishing up on my reading. Gosh, in fact I am still stuck with my novel. I can’t seem to move to another chapter as my mind is still hooked on to a ‘hot’ story I heard from a girlfriend over lunch yesterday. I can’t seem to get it off my mind and was wondering how blind one can be when it comes to relationships.
This is a story about a lady who happens to be a friend of a close friend of mine. Anyway this lady G, met an Australian guy when he was working in the same office in KL. They started off as office mates, friends and eventually fell in love with one another (till now I still wonder was it love or lust?). They became an item and after a year, he went back to their office in Australia. They still stayed in touch, went for holidays together and never fail to communicate via phone or the computer. However lately, he seems to be preoccupied with some other things and Lady G is sensing something is obviously wrong. She is currently feeling insecure. Whenever she calls, he will always be in a meeting, however he says he still loves her and plans for a future together.

Lady G said to us, her instincts tells her, he is not sincere. So to prove her point to us, she came up with a plan which was pretty amusing. She got online one night and saw he was online as well, she changed her nickname and started messaging him. Hoping and praying that he would ignore this so called new girl she was pretending to be. Oh boy, what happened was too hurting as he did reply to her messages and even asked for the new girl’s number. The yahoo chat sessions when on for weeks, he was definitely flirting with this new girl and even told her he was coming down for a conference. She was so heartbroken. Lady G told us she is determined to get him here and catch him in action!
Lady G told us, how surprised she is that a guy who is successful and normal who she had known professionally at the office can turn out to be a jerk! She said she would have expected that from someone she would have met randomly online but not someone you would know at the office. Well, I guess nowadays you just can’t trust anyone.
Yiikees, I told her, he is a jerk and something is just not right. I told her to abandon her mission as it is just a waste of time and in the end could hurt her even more. Just dump the jerk and move on! She plans to confront him when he comes here for the conference. Well, when a person is all geared up for a mission anything you say or do will not make a difference. I wish her luck and hopefully it won’t turn out to be a nasty confrontation.
pic courtesy of http://www.painetworks.com/pages/04/042263.html
It's not a love then.. it's a LUST
another notes
selamat cuti2, y note take mc tomorrow and continue sampai thursday... selamat hari merdeka
it is LUST..she is definitely blind!
amboi idea menarik tu...good idea hehehe wink* wink*
ahh... how nice it is to be at home.
tell ur friend to forget the guy. a waste of time. i know, it's easier said than done. But he'll come back, if it's meant to be.
what is love without lust?
newayz, if any of u chicks thinks it stop right there ... sorry to say but u just can't tell a good man even if after months or a couple of years knowing each other. domestic violence is common nowadays not to mention many divorce cases after years and years of marriage.
us men r really that strange creatures.
i like the way you think. that is a more mature and civilised way. sometimes proving something is just not worth it. just let it go and leave.
yeah i say its better to let it go and be over with it rather than gettin hurt even more in the end when u find out what u cant handle
The best way is to just cut loose; there's no point of trying to catch him red-handed. He will try to act a drama and your friend might fall into the similar cycle. He'll just say something like, "I'm in last night.. couldn't call you coz it's going to be a short conference"... or even better, "I know it's you, I was just playing along."
Be careful!
A jerk who is honest abt being a jerk, is better than a jerk who disguise himself as an angel.
But best is to stay clear from jerks...
aahh...have a good weekend ahead !
Hey Raz,
Sigh...susah to tell her coz she keeps giving excuses and the best part is she wants him no matter what :(
yeah I agree with that phrase if he is meant to be yours, he will come back.
yup men are strange creatures...as for the domestic violence, it is scary when the battered woman keeps going back to her husband. I dunno may be becoz they have no means to support themselves, be it emotionally, physicall and mentally. I hope all abused women to be strong and pls do know your rights!
They have got to be strong. But then again it is always easier said than done la kan. Hopefully they try to.
hey cookie,
yup, sometimes the more she chase the guy, the more further he will go. In cases like this, no point to dwell on it, he is not worth the time and effort. Ignoring him is the best thing for her right now I would say.
gravt kills,
i feel like hitting her head for being so stubborn, geramla.
hi, nice to see you here! You are so right, she is getting herself into deeper shit, once a jerk will always be a jerk..and to top it off he is a smooth talker. I am at the verge of giving up on her..sigh if only she could think clearly.
Hey you...long time no hear.
Yeah satyy away from jerks...bu tsometimes these jerks are very nicee at first...You need to be really an expert to detect...heheheh..I think I am doing ok in this area..:-P
Why am I not surprised Nour, when I read or know something like this is happening?..
Like what Idham said, I used to know an angel once...
Just tell yr fren long distance relationships sucks..and he if cannot stay faithful without her beside him for a sec...he's not in love..coz when a person really is in love....nuthing and nobody will interest him...
yeah, he is just not into her,if he is, he will do his best to make her feel secured and happy. Well once a jerk will always be a jerk.
All those time wasted on him..is just not worth it.
maybe it was love on her side but lust on the fella side.
I support ur friends decision to kantoikan kan that fella. Good luck to her.
p/s: being a kepochi here...do update on how th ambush went ok.
hi zetty,
yeah he was all eager at first suddenly the so called love just died down..I bet he just love the chasing kot.
She is so heartbroken, sedih and all but still nak kenakan dia. Yeah I hope luck is on her side.
Yup will keep you updated on the outcome..hehehhe
: )
Hi Alex,
:) back at you.
1st, Thanks for visiting my site. 2nd, I wanted to comment, tapi biar dulu lah, baru 1st vist. Maybe later. Btw, join la ramai2 ikut lady G, kenakan laki tu.
Hey MerapuMan,
Your site is interesting..especially the latest entries on the "you know what" for all the eras...hehehe!
Hmm, nak join kasi kantoi mamat tu??, tak kuasa I nanti I yg belasah dia cukup2..hahahaa
Ms Elly,
Memang geram..I pun geram!
Your suggestion tu lagi gempak..padan muka the guy. I really wonder where does she get the patience to layan him online when she damn well knows that he is an a******! She said she is not gonna let him get away.
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