Friday, August 15

I was here, here and there

I was here last month for 2 nights, I loved the private beach, the traditional Terengganu delicacies served during breakfast & lunch, the spa, the HUGE swimming pool and the scenery. It was a good gateway but not really a private gateway and escapade as I was accompanied by more than 50 people for a team building session.

I love Awana Kijal to bits.. Will blog about the team building event in a later entry but enjoy the pictures for now.

Pics courtesy of a fellow colleague of mine, Shamsuri.

I plan to go there again with my galfriends....this time round, I will be spending most of my time either at the beach or the pool :)

1 comment:

D.N.A.S said...

I love Awana Kijal too. Stayed there a few times last year.