Attended an equisite wedding was just excellent. We had something like a buffet concept with good quality hotel food. The decorations were just beautiful just like in a garden full of flowers. And the adat istiadat was an exposure for me especially when it was a first for me to experience the Jawa Sunda wedding.
the bride and groom on the way to the pelamin
full of adat istiadat
Went shopping after the reception, me clad in my kebaya..Haha! I was in ICT Cempaka Emas with my kebaya and after that we headed for a new mall Block M and Hard Rock Cafe at Plaza EX. Oh boy I cant believe I was in HRC with my kebaya!....Oh boy!
Spent the whole day in Bandung checking out the factory outlets and I love the Rumah Mode outlet, built with the Balinese concept.
the breathtaking view with railway tracks which starts from Jakarta to Bandung..
This trip is definitely a memorable one for me because I sat almost like an hour with my uncle and he shared with me the stories of our ancestors back in Medan, the Mandaling difficult it was for all of them back then to make a living and be successful in life. I stayed at both my uncles' place in Jakarta city and Cengkareng. I sense the vast disparity between the rich and the poor in Jakarta. It was definitely heartbreaking and disturbing to see little kids walking around aimlessly begging for money, they play at traffic lights, running around and they seem not to fear the buses and cars. I was dumbfounded as I can never understand why innocent kids are used as a mode of generating income. I wonder when is the government gonna stand up and help eradicate this social illness and ensure that these kids are given opportunies like others in their lives. As they are the future genaration.
look what I found, one of the little things that makes me have goosebumps..haha!
Oh well, I shall continue with this entry later as they are so many things to write about.
Have a good week y'all!
hi nour, nice pictures there, glad that you had a good time :)
hi nour!
glad to know you had a nice trip! the satay looks really yummy, he!he!:-D
the wedding looks grand..and full of adat! bet it was an unforgettable experience...
hey..did you check out the "stadium" in jakarta???
My friends pun baru balik from Bandung and they fell in love with Rumah Mode. I have to go to Bandung la...hehehe
They serve satay at a wedding? WOW! Bestnyer :)
welcome back, dear. love reading your experience there. would love to read even more of it!
welcome back..sungguh ayu gitu!!
Wah, mesti byk shopping ni!
Cantik la you in your kebaya.. :)
Welcome back Nour.
Sometimes I do think how will it feel to have such a grand wedding? I know I never will be able to afford one...
Welcome back Nour!
Nice wedding..
I had a lovely time, penat but worth it! :)
the satay in jakarta taste different from ours, even the gravy is different, theirs ada letak kicap. I like ours better..the sambal kacang :)
lil sis,
yup you got that right!! UNFORGETTABLE! :D
miss k.u,
I might have passed the stadium, but didnt know it was the stadium..hehehhehe..Anything interesting about it?? Dont mind going back to Jakarta to check it out.
Rumah Mode is really nice and cantik, it is a factory outlet in a bungalow done up really nice with nice ambiance and beautiful landscape...ala balinese style gitu.
love reading yours, especially on your charles & keith shopping spree..:)
hehe shld see the pple there..mak cik2 dia punya body mengancam gitu and the baju punyalah cantik...I was like terglue sebentar...tengok dia punye baju and all.
Hi babe. Thanks.. Shopping boleh tahanla...This time round I didnt get the kain2 I went for other stuff.
No needla very grand wedding..just Have a nice and very cosy wedding wld be sufficient..duit simpan for after wedding is more important....future plans.
well written, affectionate, and interesting blog.
I thought about including a link to your site on my blog.
if you ever get the chance, come visit me back
my blog is (not nearly as superficial as it sounds ;-) )
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