I don’t know what is wrong with me lately. A few weeks back I was down with viral fever and was given two days off to rest at home. After the antibiotics and other medication I was back at work and continued working as per normal. However, last Friday, I had a bad sore throat and again my body was aching. Gosh, what is wrong with my antibody? Don’t tell me I need to increase the dosage of my antibiotics. This time, I refused to be too dependent on antibiotics, I just drank loads of water and stayed indoor for the whole weekend (By the way, I was practically like a bear rug and a couch potato I tell you).
I received a few happy and interesting news, one news which till today still keeps me speechless is the news of my close friend’s wedding plans. She called me a few weeks ago to break the important news to me. The conversation we had was as follows:-
Friend : Hey babe. You busy?
Me : Not really. Anything?
Friend : I have some news for you?
Me : OK…What is it?
Friend : I am not able to join you for the Bandung trip in April. Something came up on those dates.
Me : It’s OK, I will just go with my sister and family. Anyway, anything interesting will be happening on those dates?
Friend : I am getting married!
Me : Speechless…You kidding me right??
Friend : Remember the guy that they were trying to match me up with..hehehe. Well, get this, there were sparks flying around everywhere!! Muahaha
Me : Oh man, that was fast…Congratulations babe!!
Friend : I met him 3 weeks back and his parents are coming over this weekend to merisik.
Me : Wow, I am happy for you…Now, tell me more..
Friend : Nanti la we meet up..it is a long story.
I have yet to drill her more on the good news. I am so looking forward to doing that..hehe. She has been through hell after her first marriage collapsed 7 years ago and I saw how difficult it was for her to start all over again financially, mentally and emotionally. Her heart was scared really bad that she had to pursue her studies overseas for a few years just to forget about the marriage that was taken away from her abruptly. Well I guess some things happened for a reason, she is so much stronger now. So, for those of us who still believe in finding that special one and having a happy ending…it does happen and all you need to do is continue having faith in yourself. I am sure God knows what is best for all of us!
Have a good week people..
just got the same news from my bestfriend too...cant believe shes goin to get married after knowin the guy for such a short period of time
"So, for those of us who still believe in finding that special one and having a happy ending…it does happen and all you need to do is continue having faith in yourself. I am sure God knows what is best for all of us!"
well said :-)
hi nour!
wow, your words about finding that special someone and having a happy ending are sooo beautifully articulated - they really brought a ray of hope deep down inside me...
thanks for making my day!:-D
(and yes, you're right: God REALLY knows what is best for all of us!)
You too eh? Sometimes, good things happen when you least expect it..I am sure your best friend must be VERY happy :)
thanks..I really believe in that :)
Hello Elly,
A girl has gotta do what a girl has gotta do eh..be strong, believe in oneself and always believe that having that faith keeps us going..Yeah, I do hope that the special one is worth my wait :)muuahaha
Take each day as a postive day..chewah! Take care gurl!
Whirlwind romance..hmnn...3 weeks is enough to know a person? and that this person is the one you will live with for the next 50 years? It sounds romantic and all, but I guess I don't buy the love at first sight thingys laaa...
Hi Nour,
I am a great believer that there is a chance for happiness for everyone. God is 'Maha Adil'.
Happy to hear about your friend and that of course futher reinforced my belief.
As for your slightly under the weather feel, I think fruit juices will help.
Do visit my latest entry on my blog I have some news for you at the end of it..he he.
ahhh good for your gf Nour!I hope she will find the happiness she deserves...you feeling better too.that's cool..:)
on the antibody thingy, i think it's our environment, what we eat, our lifestyle habits and for me, age! hehe... dulu kalau demam sehari je mc cukup. now, i usually need 2 days ok! so frustrating. pastu nak recover fully takes 1 week. crazy.
tang jodoh tu, i pun kadang2 wonder. cinta bertahun2 pun boleh a scam tapi for some people, sekejap je things could happen. itu semua nasib... waahhh... you ni matchmaker rupanya ;D
lil sis,
I thinkkan for her is not so much on love at first sight or love before marriage, I think she is fed up of that. Her first marriage was to a guy she had known since school...they were best friends, fell so much in love but then he found someone else after a few years. I guess for her now is finding someone responsible and having the right character. Jodoh ni susah sikit..sonme takes weeks to decide some takes years.. Anyways hoping for the best :)
Hi Ruby,
feeling better now..will definitely go for fruit juices and supplements. Need to boost up my body system.
Oh I read yr blog, cool entry on the launching of the "hati yoga" mag..Hoping to get the copy soon. Thank you for the helpful tips :)
Thanks. I do feel better. Hope it remains like this for a long time. I strongly think they need to sterilize the air in the office :P
hehehe...alamak, I am no matchmaker..I am even bad when it comes to me finding that special one for myself. In the case of my close friend ni, it was her mom who was soo excited in introducing this guy to her..My friend however avoided the the topic for months until she finally gave in. Her mom set them up on a date..and after that everything when smoothly...sparks..fire works semua ada..:)
Never give up looking for love!
If u almost give up all hope, look for Nour. She's a good match maker! heheheheh. Lawak je Nour.
Congrats to your friend.
me want the sparks too!!!
congrats to your friend.
alamak macam iklan mencari jodoh pulak..Anyways I am the last person to actually land a job as a match maker..Surely, I will mismatch semua org punye criterias..hehehe
I will sampaikan yr kind wishes to my friend..Thanks :)
yeah sparks, fireworks...all the chemistry...me want too!!
hmm, I think finding that special one requires more than sparks and chemistry..character, attitude, personality etc plays an important role.
My friend is in cloud 9! hehe
she is TOO happy
wow, 3 weeks is a real short time, man. But I guess it works for some people.
Happy birthday to lil cophie.. dah panjang rambut dia.
This blog is very good
Thank you
OOOhh, I can imagine that..The same goes for my friend :) To finally find someone that you would want to spend the rest of your life with is definitely something beautiful for her eh.
3 weeks is really short...the nikah is in April!
Nurul had lil cophie's fringe trimmed off sometime last month tapi rambut dia dah panjangla as compared to the last time you saw her :) She is into hair clips now..heheh :D
Hi David,
Thanks for your kind words.
Dropped by yr blog a few mins ago, I reckon it is all in Spanish??.which left me all clueless :P
Anyways thanks for dropping by.
Hey babe..
I had viral fever too! All better now but my headaches won't go away..
Alamak..you too?? You must be exhausted and tired after the body pain and fever. Viral fever takes at least one week to clear up. I had that second round of fever and another round of antibiotics for the throat to really clear up yesterday. I blame it on the weather. The headaches takes awhile to subside too..Take care babe and get well soon ya!
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