I am sure many of you people are busy applying for leave. Since it is already the long school break and now is definitely the best time to bring your kids for some overseas or local trip. My boss left for his overseas trip a couple of weeks ago and my two other seniors are on leave concurrently. I am the only senior person left to mend the fort. Sighh!!! I am so tired of the never-ending meetings, projects and so forth. Normally without the bosses around, life would be fun right?? Well NOT for me!. With the bosses on leave, I have to sit in for all ad hoc meetings, discussions or problem/solutions. Gosh, I am dead tired and all I look forward to nowadays is just the weekends. I can’t wait for this week to end. Oh God, please let it be reallllyyyyy soon :P
Enough of that, on a brighter note, I am looking forward to my Jakarta trip during the Christmas holiday. We managed to book our flight tickets and also accommodation. We were informed by the travel agent on the super-super peak season but we did not give it much thought as we were determined to go. hehe :P. We will be staying in one of the hotels in Mangga Dua. I hope my sisters and I will have the extra time to do our shopping as well as pamper our selves at the Martha Thilar SPA. Well, I haven’t had the time to scrutinize and list down the tourist spots and the must see places.
Enough of that, on a brighter note, I am looking forward to my Jakarta trip during the Christmas holiday. We managed to book our flight tickets and also accommodation. We were informed by the travel agent on the super-super peak season but we did not give it much thought as we were determined to go. hehe :P. We will be staying in one of the hotels in Mangga Dua. I hope my sisters and I will have the extra time to do our shopping as well as pamper our selves at the Martha Thilar SPA. Well, I haven’t had the time to scrutinize and list down the tourist spots and the must see places.

Better still, I am sure many of you bloggers out there have been frequenting Jakarta, so tell me what you all know.
- Where should I go for shopping??
- Places to visit?
- Spas??
- What are the things worth buying there??
- What about the crime rate? Pick pockets?
Thank you all.
Wow... bestnye! Lucky you babe!
Why not you just google the places that you can go while you are there? Or mintak opinions from friends who are familiar with the places?
nak souvenirs boleh tak? hehe
i wud say pergunungan teh and spa to rejuvenate urself.
wow.. syoknye. Will lil cophie be going too?
Haven't been there.. but from what i've heard, u shld definitely try the spa experience.
Shopping.. ppl say that it's better in Bandung.. but whateva it is, I guess, the kain and all - it's much cheaper compared to KL... hmmm... can kirim, ah? hehe...
never been to jakarta, have fun exploring!
never been to jakarta la girl. but martha tilaar, kat mesia ni dah banyak kali pergi altho mebbe not as authentic la kan as jakarta.
bandung going in january hehe... shopping! yeayy!!
but i'm going to have my spa session next week... martha tilaar kat taman tun ;P
enjoy yourself!
ntahla, i tak pernah pergi indo sebelum ni, supposed to go tapi masa kena bom tu kan .. terus tak jadi ..
apa2 pun, blog about it when u come back ok.
Have fun babe. I've never been there too so nothing much to advise :).
Best nye... have fun kay... come back safely
First I'd like to say...this is a very sweet template..
I hope you have jotted down the places I gave you for shopping Nour..
Dun worry abt crime rates..just dun use jewellery when you're there and dun count yr money infront of others...
Get ready to be a millionairess...hehehehe
cantik blog .. mana amik
Dear Angel,
Baru managed to google a couple of days ago...banyaknye info..and too many places to go in a short time frame..Ohh I did get a few pointers from Blackfeline, the expert! :)
Yeah sure boleh, nanti I see what nice souveniers they ahve over there :)
pergunungan teh??wahhh...I didnt thought of that..As for the spa..yeah would love to try that.
alaaa, little cophie mana nak tinggal kalau mummy dia ikut. Yup nurul and the geng as well as Umi's family. My dad will be coming too. My mom tinggal rumah je.
I heard the Spa experience there is excellent and the price is also reasonable.
Sure, tell me apa you nak pesan, InsyaAllah will try to get it for you.
Wah..Bandung?? I heard shopping there is SUPERB. The factory outlets...my sister's friend goes there often for shopping..I even heard that handphones there are also cheap comparatively. Have fun!!
By the way never knew Martha Tilar ada kat tmn tun?? kat mana la? The ones I know are in Plaza Damas, Crown Princess and Alam Sentral, Shah Alam.
yeahla...masa dulu I nak gi Bali, tapi bile ada bombing terus ta nak gi. Hopefully this time round OK.
Will surely blog about Jakarta when I come back.
It's OK babe. Have a good weekend!
Thanks..hopefully no excess baggage la ya for me...hehehe
BAwak satu beg balik berbeg-beg..hehehhe
Thanks...I like this template too..hehe. They have many awesome templates..go check out pink design. (You can click on the link on the left handside of my blog).
BTW, thank you so much for the pointers on Jakarta, I wrote them all down..hopefully I can cover all.
Oolalala...jutawan in the making :P
free templates from pink design...u can click on the bottom left side of my blog. Check it out, they have nice templates.
Among the must-go places in Jakarta:
1) ITC Cempaka Emas - for kebayas, lace fabric, fake branded handbags,kad kahwin, etc. Also, there's this one shop called "Bathaholic" at the shopping mall -it's like the Nusantara version of Body Shop...Oh my God, it sells the best hand-made, exotic, organic soap ever!! i love their natural scrub (lulur) soaps, with scents like passion fruit and ylang-ylang. Also bought its tomato & lime smoothie soap, as well as clove & cinnamon soap. I LIKE!!!
2) Station Cikini for all types of bakul/weaved handicrafts. You can go crazy over here! And the prices are damn cheap!
3) For a taste of Jakarta's hawker street food head to Jalan Sabang. Then again, if you have a weak stomach, forget it! (I do enjoy my experience there though!) At night, they have buskers entertaining you along the road there.
1) Be careful when taking taxis. Try not to take cabs alone, as a friend of mine recently got abducted and robbed in one (believe it or not, she's a regular in Jakarta)
2) Also, black magic is serious business here. Be careful of suspicious looking character/strangers as you could be a potential "pukau" victim. Always be on guard, especially when you are in a crowded area.
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