I guess for those of us who will be starting work on Monday, it will definitely be a messy morning tomorrow. I for one will dread waking up early especially when I am still in my Raya mood. Yup, what do you expect after two weeks of holidays eh! I have to attend a three day course which will last up till Wednesday. Oh boy, November will be a month of courses for me. Schmucks!!..I need loads of luck to stay wide awake and be attentive for the session tomorrow. Oh well, that's life!
This year’s Raya event was pretty hectic I would say without having any help from our ‘bibiq’. My lil sis did all the cooking (alright, I have to confess I am hopeless at cooking!) and I tried my best to help out with the washing and cleaning. :D Hmm, I think I did quite OK in the cleaning department. The food turned out so good and we had many rounds of the sayur lodeh, rendang, serunding, sambal udang/telur. Yummy-licious..:) As usual our first Raya would normally consist of receiving visits from family members, relatives and friends. Uncles and aunties will normally visit my dad and mom first since both my parents are considered the “Older” sibling.
Oh and you wouldn’t believe what happened to me on the second day of Raya, I had to see the Doctor early in the morning as my stomach was in great pain. I was surprised when the Doctor told me I was having gastritis. I told her I can’t be having gastric because looking at the amount of food I had, NO Way it could have been gastric!!!..muahaha! Anyway, she said it could be the hot and spicy food I had!! Itu la after fasting I should not have just melantak since the stomach engine was already on standby mode for a month. What was I thinking eh? Hehe…
Raya was celebrated with so much food, interesting events happened such as my kebaya was delivered by the tailor on Raya eve, she only managed to complete one suit and the other was still not touched. And the worst bit of all, she accidently used my material for my lil sis’s baju kurung. Looks like my other pair of baju kebaya will be done with my sis’s material! I felt like strangling her at that point of time but since she has been our tailor for many years and this is the first time she messed up our baju Raya, I told myself next time round make sure I send her the materials 3 months in advance.
And to top off the Raya event was the shocking and sad news, me and my lil sis discovered in the papers about the death of my ex Math tuition teacher, Cikgu Redzwan. He was my Math Mentor ever since I was in Form 3 up till I left for Uni, he was the one who taught me how interesting “Mathematics” can be if you understood the very basic foundation of it. I did very well for my Pure Math and Add Math because of him. He passed away this month in October during the fasting month due to some heart problem at the age of 43. He suffered for the last three months. His death will definitely be a BIG loss to his ex students (most turn out to be professionals), existing students and the future generations. I am always amazed by his kindness and determination to help others. He has always shown interest in kids who are less fortunate who he knows have the potentials to go far in life! I guess what my sis told me is so true, “God loves him so much, that is why arwah pergi dulu”. “Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman”. Amin.
Well enough said about this sad news. For those of you who are working tomorrow, Happy Working! As for me, I will be heading for Jalan Semantan for some training/course. Hope it won’t be a mental torture! :P
This year’s Raya event was pretty hectic I would say without having any help from our ‘bibiq’. My lil sis did all the cooking (alright, I have to confess I am hopeless at cooking!) and I tried my best to help out with the washing and cleaning. :D Hmm, I think I did quite OK in the cleaning department. The food turned out so good and we had many rounds of the sayur lodeh, rendang, serunding, sambal udang/telur. Yummy-licious..:) As usual our first Raya would normally consist of receiving visits from family members, relatives and friends. Uncles and aunties will normally visit my dad and mom first since both my parents are considered the “Older” sibling.
Oh and you wouldn’t believe what happened to me on the second day of Raya, I had to see the Doctor early in the morning as my stomach was in great pain. I was surprised when the Doctor told me I was having gastritis. I told her I can’t be having gastric because looking at the amount of food I had, NO Way it could have been gastric!!!..muahaha! Anyway, she said it could be the hot and spicy food I had!! Itu la after fasting I should not have just melantak since the stomach engine was already on standby mode for a month. What was I thinking eh? Hehe…
Raya was celebrated with so much food, interesting events happened such as my kebaya was delivered by the tailor on Raya eve, she only managed to complete one suit and the other was still not touched. And the worst bit of all, she accidently used my material for my lil sis’s baju kurung. Looks like my other pair of baju kebaya will be done with my sis’s material! I felt like strangling her at that point of time but since she has been our tailor for many years and this is the first time she messed up our baju Raya, I told myself next time round make sure I send her the materials 3 months in advance.
And to top off the Raya event was the shocking and sad news, me and my lil sis discovered in the papers about the death of my ex Math tuition teacher, Cikgu Redzwan. He was my Math Mentor ever since I was in Form 3 up till I left for Uni, he was the one who taught me how interesting “Mathematics” can be if you understood the very basic foundation of it. I did very well for my Pure Math and Add Math because of him. He passed away this month in October during the fasting month due to some heart problem at the age of 43. He suffered for the last three months. His death will definitely be a BIG loss to his ex students (most turn out to be professionals), existing students and the future generations. I am always amazed by his kindness and determination to help others. He has always shown interest in kids who are less fortunate who he knows have the potentials to go far in life! I guess what my sis told me is so true, “God loves him so much, that is why arwah pergi dulu”. “Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang beriman”. Amin.
Well enough said about this sad news. For those of you who are working tomorrow, Happy Working! As for me, I will be heading for Jalan Semantan for some training/course. Hope it won’t be a mental torture! :P
It is... "messy monday" for me. I need a holiday.... :(
wah, banyaknya makan samapi kena gastrik! i had been good at that sebab dulu pun pernah terkena gastrik due to too much oily and spicy food and carbonated drink. now dah control sikit, tapi i gained 3kgs already!!!!!!
eh u dah tukar gambar. pagi tadi lain. yum2 bila nak jemput open house ... ahaks... macam la boleh pergi.
anyway, kesian kat u beraya dgn gastrik. hope everything is ok now.
The food looks good. Terror jugak ur lil' sis masak. Did she bake her signature cornflake cookies this year?
Anyways, hope you're cured of the gastritis thingy.
hello nour!
Apa macam first day masuk ofis?
yes you do need a holiday...we definitely need to go for some spa sessions :)
For me, MONDAY was a bit messy, my course instructor was sooo strict that I didnt have the time to breathe..Instructor from hell I wld say :P
3kgs?? Hmm that Can definitely happen especially with the Raya dishes...well with the Raya open house for the whole mth, more food bingingla kita namapaknye :)
yeah I changed the pic, I like this one better. muuahaha
Hmmm.. open hse tak buat kot..tapi you can come anytime you want :P Rumah sentiasa terbuka..hehe.
P/S:I am feeling better already, had to stop myself from the hot and spicy dishes.
urs truely,
hehe yeahlah kalau kerja makan gaji..have no choice but to work as hard as you can...that is when your bonus sets in and all those extra$$$$$ and you are right those grand sales to go to.. Damn, life is tough..:)
yup, lil sis has the natural talent for cooking. And I have the inborn talent for eating..Serious Nurul can cook la...nanti dtglah rumah so we can get her to cook again!!
Hello Angel!!
You are back from RAYA! So how was yr Raya? must me swell eh!
My first day at office was today, gosh so many things to do and so many mails to read..well am taking one day at a time..I need to jump start myself.. How was yr Raya?
It's almost ten days after Raya right?.that pic makes me wanna cook some.heheheh......
sorry to hear abt yr Math teacher Nour...my condolences..
fuyooo ... baju kebaya ... ini yg haku tak tahan nih .... hehehe
selamat hari raya, maaf zahir bathin.
hi blackfeline,
looking at the rendang and ketupat makes me cringe as I can still recall my pain. So what did you cook for your first day of Raya?
Thank you for yr kind wishes sis :)
Whats this thing abt men and kebayas??hahahaha
Anyway I always find kebayas as original and classy.
Selamat Hari Raya to you too.
Take care. :)
kebaya ... mmm ... aku pun ... :)
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