I can’t wait for this coming Saturday as the whole big family will be heading for Singapore. Yeayyy!! We have a cousin’s wedding to attend on Sunday and apart from that we are planning to spend some quality time together. It has been ages since we last went on a family trip especially with both my mom and dad around. This time round, NO shopping for me, urrrgh!! :(( since the mega sale has already ended months ago. We are planning for some massive food binging. Since Singapore will be hosting the IMF world conference this weekend, I am expecting the tourist spots and popular food areas to be very crowed. Oh well, what do you expect when there are thousands of delegates from all over the world.
As for my eldest sis who is staying back for her “team-building” trip, do have fun in Janda Baik and don’t worry so much about the night trips in the Jungle, yikkessss!! It is easy for me to say as I am not the one having the night trips. I just hope the organisation I am currently attached to has no future plans to have any team building sessions for any of its staff. I guess many of you might have gone through them and have personal experiences of your own. I have heard about creepy situations where you are left all alone in a Jungle during midnight and if you are unlucky you might find an unknown "person" sitting next to you :D Scary eh!
Till then folks, I hope it is not too early to wish all of you a swell and awesome weekend!!!!
As for my eldest sis who is staying back for her “team-building” trip, do have fun in Janda Baik and don’t worry so much about the night trips in the Jungle, yikkessss!! It is easy for me to say as I am not the one having the night trips. I just hope the organisation I am currently attached to has no future plans to have any team building sessions for any of its staff. I guess many of you might have gone through them and have personal experiences of your own. I have heard about creepy situations where you are left all alone in a Jungle during midnight and if you are unlucky you might find an unknown "person" sitting next to you :D Scary eh!
Till then folks, I hope it is not too early to wish all of you a swell and awesome weekend!!!!
you must go to the zoo. serious fun i tell you ;)
14 years back, I was left alone in the jungle sharp at 12, and it was raining... I cried like hell, tak nak take part, but they dun care!! I saw one lady "all white" not far from me later found that she was no one... since that no more "team building" for me... hello saya adalah sangat penakut terutamanya pada !!!!!!
I just love team building. Biasalah, benda2 fun mesti suka punya. Tapi tak naklah the type yang kena campak kat tengah hutan. Takut siootttt...
u have a nice wkend too :-)
have a great time Nour!
I went to this camp once, after SPM. We had to do the 'staying alone' thingy - and it was after midnite. Before we started, the ustaz told us to memorise this ayat and read it if you happen to see anything.
I didn't see anything but I kept reading out (aloud) the ayat again and again. Can't remember the ayat now.
Won't do it again. Once is enuff for me.
Anyways, have fun in Spore.
Hv a nice trip and hv fun. if u like fish, singgah le waterworld singapore. i hv frens there.
have a great time in s'pore!
if left alone, tido je la ehehe...yeah i was at janda baik too
Hey you and the new look, so stylo gitu...hehehe
We didnt get to go to the zoo, it was pretty hectic with the food binging, kenduri khawin and visiting relatives..my perut is still berat and half tired. Hopefully the next trip I do go..I shall make it a point to visit.
that is scary...I would probably patah balik....the dark and cold weather definitely gives the eerkssss!! Yikess...
I dont mind the team-building with loads of seminars and good food...but not the one which involves the supernatural forces..Takutt kan?...
Thank you. It was awesome.
Thnx. I had a wonderful time in the malay village, finally we had the kacang pol, lontong, mee rebus, rojak etc...Oh and we also went to Lau Pa Sat for satay! It was a lovely weekend.
nasib baik la you...I heardkan ada org nampak "someone" dok terapung sebelah dia and ikut recite the ayat also..tapi dia baca tak betul!
I love the fishes too but again we had little time to visit Sentosa Island. Lain kali pi Spore, I shall have to check out the underwater world.
mama rock,
thnx mama for the kind wishes..I had plenty of fun alahamdulillah.
gravt kills,
u sure you nak tido, siap2 bangun dah kat soemwhere else..heheh
Anyways you were in Janda Baik for a vacation?
any interesting pics???
Hi Angel,
Yess...will post them up soon...hehhe :)
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