Tuesday, September 12

Are you into veggies???

I can’t really say I am an ardent fan of vegetables but I do eat them and my favourite would be cauliflowers and broccoli. But never in my dreams would I ever imagine finding some slimy ugly green creature amongst the green leaves just like the one in the picture above?? A colleague of mine forwarded me an email with this picture attached to it. Looking at the snapshot just gives me the spooks. Normal scenario for me would be something like ants or small insects. Yikesssss…this would be very traumatizing don’t you think?? It would definitely be traumatizing for me if I was the "fortunate" ONE with that bag of vege!! Muaahahahaa :D


Idham said...

psst...nice to be first.:)

nour...i cant see the picture, but even fr ur description..rasa eeewwww, gelinya....mual loya semua ada....

idham <----pernah termakan ulat dlm buah kuinin.....adess.

Azer Mantessa said...

i think the point is errr freshly picked?

Mama Rock said...

eeewwwwww....i would definitely throw up or terlompat2 lebih dari katak tu!
ps - i had a small snail on a lettuce when i had a burger at McD once and a tiny roach in my coke at one of teh KFC outlets...gross!

Anonymous said...

OMY! Is that ms froggie? Finding worms and grubs in your lettuce is nothing compared to this!

Angel Eyes said...


I saw some worms coming out from a fish on my friend's plate during lunch. Those are during the boarding school time.

Tu laa.. makan lagi kat dining hall.. sapa suruh?

Seminggu i tak lalu makan.

trueblue said...

Yikes! Betul ke gambar tu? Unbelievable sungguh.
Moral of story: kena be careful la sebelum terus masuk makanan dalam mulut.

Anonymous said...

Gross nye! Maybe that what makes the vege taste lagi fresh kot hehehe

Am just a gal said...

ok... now, for one week i will not eat any green veggies!!

itot said...

huhuhu..apa dia buat dalam plastic tu..huhuu..(lembik tengkuk tgk katak tu..huhuu)

merapuman said...

i pernah sekali, kat ipoh, tengah makan mee goreng ... tiba-tiba .. seekor ulat (macam larva lalat tu) melompat-lompat keluar. masa tu makan dengan awek (awek dah muka loya dah) ... so control macho ..., letak RM2 for the drinks and terus blah.

High Power Rocketry said...

I think that image might be fake, no?

But that would be so cool if there were a frog.

Nour said...

So how did the buah kuinin taste like with the extra flavour??

Yeah, with miss frogy you will know how fresh the vege is!!:D

eeewwww!!!! Grossnye! I think you can saman them for the snail and that little "thing" you found in your coke la?? Did you get to tell them about the little creatures? Nasib baik tersedar..Kalau tak selamatlah :P

dah lah I takut dgn miss froggy..gellliiiii :P
Hopefully the pic tu tak betullah just a prank ke...kalau tak I cannot imaginelah...ciisss!

Nour said...

Angel eyes,
Euuuwww, that is sooo gross, ulats are never a favourite for many of us...I peliklah...this always happens in boarding schools kan??.Pastu bila balik dorm..sakit perut..tension tul!

It might be a prank/gimmick atau diaorg saje letak the froggy in the vege bag for some weird stuff web kot. I can't really say betul ke takla...tapi if it is real la...GELINYE!

Nour said...

lil sis,
yeah and along with the fresh veggie boleh buat salad with some french dressing :P

scarykan!! hehehe

I pun lemah je tengok that ugly creature tengah lepak dalam bag plastic tu!

yucckssssss!!! eeeww...tu mest diaorg tak tutup lauk !! Lalat dah bertelur......awek you mesti geli...hehehe :P Wahhh...sempat control macho lagi you.

I can see that you have this thing for frogs! :)
Yeah you might be right there, it could be a fake you know. Got the pic from forwarded emails.

Zetty said...

kesian katak tu semput kena sealed dlm plastic hiihiihiih.

Nour said...

hi zetty,
good to see you here.
sesak nafas katak tu...Gosh I wonder wld it be more gory if we were to find the katak dead?? Hmm..dead or alive?? I wonder:)